
From Felicity Velius
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This is the personal blog of Felicity Velius, who, by its content, is a fan of author Beatrix Potter, and of cats - hers being Virgil. Felicity is sharing the progress of the development of a Beatrix Potter app (iPhone?), currently in development.

Given information recovered from the rabbithole package and Waco lockbox, it's clear that Felicity is actually using this website to disperse highly sensitive, top secret documents and communications. Every piece of content can and should be considered potentially an encoded component to a hidden block of information.


Blog posts are categorized into the following categories:

  • "Beatrix", "Videos and other great stuff!", "My Blog", "Kittehs"


The left index includes links to external sites, including:

Other content

  • Images included in the template:
A Glitterfied Virgil
A spinning globe

Blog Archive

Post categories include:

  • Beatrix, Kittehs, Randomness!!, Uncategorized, Virgil

June 5, 2012 - Beatrix Potter and Kittehs!!

Posted by Felicity

Welcome to my personal page! My name is Felicity. I’m a writer, illustrator, and cat lover. Along the way I’ve become a huge fan of the literary works of Beatrix Potter. She authored over thirty childrens books. I’m currently working on an anthology tying all the stories and illustration into one single piece. I’ve built a nice head of steam for this project, so expect at least one update per week as we all get underway! Virgil my golden cat will be assisting me as I write, so don’t be surprised by an odd meow here or there!
  • This post, along with the following, contain 416 characters each exactly (without white-space)
  • See Doc 3 numbers puzzle for more info about this post's relevance.

June 28, 2012 - App Progress and a Cranky Virgil

Posted by Felicity

Hello again! Virgil has been a handfull today. I’ve been trying to get an update written all morning and he loudly meows every time I sit down to write! Maybe he’s still tired. He is just glaring…totally pissed. His empty food bin isn’t helping, looks like I’ll be going to light the weekly shopping fuse early this week. Anyhow, back to business. The Beatrix Potter App should be available on the iTunes store soon. The first version is just a taste for my friends and fellow rabbit heads. Stay tuned for new updates soonish!
  • This post, along with the previous, both contain 416 characters each exactly (without white-space)
  • See Doc 3 numbers puzzle for more info about this post's relevance.

July 9, 2012 - My Fave: Peter Rabbit

Posted by Felicity

When you see it - Peter Rabbit.jpg

July 11, 2012 - East Asian Nyan Cat

Posted by Felicity


August 8, 2012 - (56)

Posted by Felicity (untitled)

Hello Friends!

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post…but Virgil and I have been quite busy! I finally have some really exciting stuff to show you. The Beatrix App is coming along soooo well, it excites me to no end. So now you can be excited too! Here is the opening screen and some sample audio. What fun it will be to have this done. Poor Peter...his dad was baked in a pie...just like my Steve.

Screen Shot:

Audio Clip: petter_rabbit3.mp3
  • No hidden information has been retrieved from this post yet.
  • The embedded image has all the properties of a standard screenshot JPG (source image: link)
  • The embedded audio clip is a standard MP3 with no meta data or ID tags (source mp3: link)

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